AC/DC in June 2010 completing two years traveling the world and think about a 2008 album Black Ice started to follow.
And guitarist reveals secret of pulling off her school uniform to show their strength outfit's forum.
Young tells the Toronto Sun: “I’m lucky – I’ve got a switch. I’ve got another persona: I put on the school suit and I become stronger, more powerful. Even my vision becomes better.
“But you do get these things that happen. On that tour I had a leg thing. It wasn’t a hamstring – the doctor said it was something like a tube. But it was affecting me more offstage. Once I went onstage it was fine.”
With AC / DC 40th anniversary is in two years time, guitarist on the road can be taxing life merges. “After the tour I stayed in bed for about a week. But then I took the guitar down in the studio and started hammering away. I did a few jigsaw puzzles too – I got hooked on them.”
The band recently confirmed that they are working on a new album, and they show their Black Ice tour of scale competitors will follow with.“It’s still early, but we’re hoping it comes quick. The only formula for when Malcolm and I write is: there’s no formula. Sometimes you have boxes and boxes of ideas. In our case we have rooms full of them. It’s just a matter of taking the best. And probably because we’re brothers we find it easy to say, ‘That’s good, that’s crap, that’s good,’ and so on.”
And Young and his brother Malcolm in the rhythm band set to work to undo the ability to perform election warned against: “He’s the engine room, and what he does is unique. There are very few guitarists like Malcolm in the world, who say, ‘I just want to stand here and play a good rhythm.’“Don’t underestimate him – he can do solos and do them well. In beginning when we used to play bars he and I would swap. Then he just said, ‘I’ll concentrate on the backing and you can do all the colourful stuff.’”
Singer Brian Johnson agrees with Young’s assessment: “There’s no imitating Malcolm. I’ve seen people try to play You Shook Me All Night Long or Highway to Hell, and these are good players – but they do it wrong. I don’t know what it is, and obviously, neither do they.”